Midsize Sedans, Luxury Car Competition and Deer-Car Collisions: Auto News for October 22-26

Midsize Sedans, Luxury Car Competition and Deer-Car Collisions: Auto News for October 22-26

deer feature by Martin Sveden

Which State Has the Most Accident Reports for Deer Collisions?

November is the busiest month for accidents claims caused by deer-car collisions, reports State Farm via autoinsurancequotes.com. And deer collisions are on the rise this year over last, so it pays to be extra careful when driving around dusk. Wondering how much you should worry about deer on the road? Here’s a list of the most likely places to encounter a wayward deer on the road, via State Farm.

  1. West Virginia (odds of 1 in 40).
  2. South Dakota (1 in 68).
  3. Iowa (1 in 71.9).
  4. Michigan (1 in 72.4).
  5. Pennsylvania (1 in 76).
  6. Montana (1 in 77.7).
  7. Wisconsin (1 in 78.7).
  8. Minnesota (1 in 79.9).
  9. Arkansas (1 in 102.5).
  10. Virginia (1 in 103.2).

If you’re living in a place at serious risk for a serious deer caused collision, consider increasing your insurance coverage, which can save you serious headaches if you get into an accident. Get quotes here via CarSoup.com’s insurance partners.

The End Of The Year Is A Great Time For Affordable Used Cars

It’s the best time in a long while to go shopping for used cars, reports CBS News. With all of the new models of cars coming into dealerships at this time of year, there are deep discounts to be found on used cars. In particular, midsize sedans will be experiencing big drops. Find out how low with a quick search on CarSoup.com.

Luxury Auto Deals

BMW and Mercedes-Benz are the traditional leaders of the luxury car segment, but Audi is making a strong showing at third place. As a result of the tight competition – as few as 3000 cars made BMW the winner last month – all luxury car makers are creating better value vehicles than ever before. Those looking into the luxury car market can expect better than ever deals next year as a result, reports Hannah Eliot of Forbes.com.

[Image credit: Martin Svedén via flickr.com]

Keywords: luxury autos, midsize sedans, deer, car collisions,

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