Falling gas prices don't always influence car buyers

Falling gas prices don't always influence car buyers
[![One recent study suggests falling gas prices don't always influence car buyers.](http://buyersguide.carsoup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Blog-gas-prices-car-buying-influence.jpg)](http://buyersguide.carsoup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Blog-gas-prices-car-buying-influence.jpg)One recent study suggests falling gas prices don’t always influence car buyers.
You would think that with gas prices going down, sales of gas guzzlers would go up and sales of electric cars would go down, right? Well, not exactly. At least according to a recent study, results of which were included in a [Los Angeles Times ](http://www.latimes.com/business/autos/la-fi-hy-gas-prices-car-sales-20150209-story.html "Los Angeles Times")article.

In fact, electric-vehicle sales, and sales of high-gas-mileage cars, continue to hold steady, while the current increase of light trucks began before gas prices started to fall. As a source states in the article, no one seems to be trading in his or her Nissan Leaf for an Escalade.

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