Cash In On Post-Auto-Show Excitement

Cash In On Post-Auto-Show Excitement
![Post Auto Show Selling Strategies]( excitement generated by the vehicles at this year’s Twin Cities Auto Show such as the Toyota Tacoma TRD can mean big wins for your selling strategies.
Do auto shows really move the needle when it comes to actual sales? Besides all the anecdotal evidence suggesting they do, we can harken back to last year’s study, “The Power Of Auto Shows”, commissioned by ASNA, (Auto Shows Of North America) for a little more concrete proof. A big finding from the study showed that nearly 60% of auto show attendees who intended to buy within 12 months said attending an auto show directly influenced their purchase decision. The study also showed how attendance translates to influence, brand engagement and generates action long after the show. Even if you’re not located near a major metro area where an auto show took place you can capitalize on the residual excitement.

With all the unveilings, introductions, media coverage and buzz generated by auto shows across the country it’s likely you’ve got a vehicle or two in your lineup that got some positive press at the show. Do a simple google search on “best cars” and “2016 auto show” and you’ll find hundreds of stories about vehicles from a vast array of news sources reporting on dozens of auto shows all over the country covering vehicles from every conceivable angle. If you’ve got a “best of show” a “must see” or “showstopper” in your lineup it’s a good time to use those high praises to get your prospective customers excited and motivated. Use those positive reviews and news articles to add credibility and focus to your advertising. Make sure you include the accolades in your social media conversations and direct marketing initiatives. If a vehicle made a splash in the auto show world you can leverage that positive feedback down to the dealership level simply by taking advantage of the buzz it created at the auto show.

ASNA Chairman Lou Vitantonio says there’s “unassailable evidence” of the link between auto shows and actual vehicle sales and points to the opportunities that auto shows create for consumers to develop deep engagement with brands. “Auto shows captivate people,” he said. “They educate, entertain and amaze. Consumers see a wide variety of new vehicle technologies, including those that will make them safer on the road, be kinder to the environment and provide them with a more entertaining experience.”

Bottom line, auto shows generate credible, authoritative perspectives on vehicles of all types, they create excitement, and they influence buyers. It’s easy to find auto show information about dozens of vehicles, and with just a little effort you can use it to help get eyeballs on your advertising and generate interest among your customers. If you’ve got a “best of the auto show” vehicle in your lineup consider a site takeover. It’s a great way to let your in-market shoppers you’ve got the goods. Talk to your account rep for details.

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